Machine Learning with Python Course
This is a fluid, always changing list...if you want to add your fav. site - welcome!
Machine Learning Books (open/free)
- just the perfect place to start, and stay in the deep...
Open Machine Learning Courses
Standford Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng
- classic!
Machine Learning Courses in Bulgaria
Machine Learning с Python
- Курс във Факултета по Математика и Информатика към СУ (перфектни, както винаги)
СофтУни: Machine Learning - февруари 2019
- просто за информация
Machine Learning Algorithms
DataSkeptic Podcast
Linear Digressions
DataCamp's DataFramed Podcast
O’Reilly Data Show Podcast
This week in Machine Learning & AI
Tools, ecosystem
Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line
Adding a file to a repository using the command line
- the official repository
A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources
- nice collection in github for all kind of Jupyter related resources
- a Python package that creates interactive webpages from Jupyter notebooks
Jupyter Notebooks and Virtual Environments
- if you have problems running Jupyter in a virtenv.
JupyterLab - Extensions (my selection)
- Jupyter notebooks as Markdown documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
- Table of Contents extension for JupyterLab
- Language Server Protocol integration for Jupyter(Lab)
Datasets Sources
kaggle datasets
The UCI Machine Learning Repository
Miscellaneous Datasets - Department of Statistics University of Florida
A collection of novel and benchmark datasets curated by UCD Researchers
useful for text classification projects
ML Process Templates
Other resources
C o r T e x T
A blog on AI, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Matematics and Statitistics
to be continued...