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Course intro and overview
- About the course.
- Course resources
Set up the environment
- Python installation notes
- Installing Python Packages and virtual environments (pipenv).
- Install Pandas, Matplotlib, Jupyter.
Jupyter Notebook Overview
- What is Jupyter Notebook?
- Start/stop the server
- Create your first Notebook.
- Write and execute code in Jupyter Notebook.
- Upload your Jupyter Notebook to GitHub (optional)
- Interact and share your Notebooks through Binder(optional)
- Live demos and hands on.
Python Basics
Getting started with Python
- Python Overview.
- What's in a Python program?
- Python design philosophy and syntax
- Write your first Python program in Jupyter.
- Live demos and hands on.
Python Built-in Data Types and Basic Operations
- Numeric Types and Python arithmetic.
- Strings and common operations.
- Variables and naming conventions.
- Logical Expressions and Conditional Statements.
- Loops in Python.
- Sequence Data Types (Lists, Tuples, Range).
- Strings as sequence.
- What are Functions?
- Function Definition.
- Function Call.
- Function Return Values.
- Function Parameters (positional, keywords).
- Arguments unpacking - the
- Variables Scope.
Strings and List manipulations
- Basic IO.
- Formatted strings.
- Membership Testing
- Indexing and slicing.
- Iterate on Iterate on sequences (strings, lists and ranges).
- Built-in String methods (optional).
- Sorting lists (optional).
Files manipulations
- Directory listing.
- Reading from file.
- Writing in file.
- Remove a file
Jupyter Notebook for Data Analysis
Jupyter Notebook basics
- How it works - gentile introduction.
- The Notebook Interface.
- What's in a Cell?
- Basics of Markdown syntax.
- Most useful "magic" commands
- Useful Keyboard Shortcuts.
- Useful Jupyter Notebook Extensions.
- Sharing the Notebooks.
- Jupyter Lab - Jupyter’s Next-Generation Notebook Interface
Datasets manipulations with Pandas in Jupyter
- Pandas and Numpy Overview.
- Basic numpy arrays manipulations.
- Pandas Series and DataFrame basic operations.
- Create DataFrames from various data file formats (JSON, CSV/XLSX, SQL).
- Visualize your data with Pandas and Matplotlib/Seaborn.
Real world examples in Jupyter
- Prepare the Titanic Data Set with Pandas.
- Preprocess and analyze large text data (using scikit-learn and NLTK).