Debugging Python applications

How to Debug A Python Code

How to Debug A Python Code

print statements

You can trace your code by putting a print statements in the problematic places
Easy to use
You have to remove them in production ready code
Too much useless typing

Using pdb - The Python Debugger

you can use it on remote servers running Python
requires time to master


PyCharm Debugger offers an easy to use, sophisticated debugger.
More on Debugging Python Code
VS Code also offers a very good visual debugger, capable of setting breakpoints, inspect data, and use the debug console as you run your program step by step. Debug a number of different type of Python applications, including multi-threaded, web, and remote applications.

pdb - The Python Debugger

pdb - The Python Debugger


pdb is a built-in module, that defines an interactive source code debugger for Python programs.
It supports setting (conditional) breakpoints and single stepping at the source line level, inspection of stack frames, source code listing, and evaluation of arbitrary Python code in the context of any stack frame. It also supports post-mortem debugging and can be called under program control.

pdb - enter debug mode

To enter into the debug mode from a normally running program, you can insert:

					import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
at the location you want to break into the debugger. This is useful to hard-code a breakpoint at a given point in a program can also be invoked as a script to debug other scripts. For example:

					python3 -m pdb


			def sum_numbers(num_range):
			  suma = 0
			  for i in num_range:
			    suma =+ i
			    #enter debug mode and set a breakpoint
			    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

			  return suma

			def main():
			  print( sum_numbers(range(1,10)) )

			if __name__ == '__main__':

			$ python3
			> /tmp/examples/
			-> for i in num_range:

Basic Commands

help? Without argument, print the list of available commands. With a command name as argument, print help about that command.
listlDisplays 11 lines around the current line or continue the previous listing.
long listllIn Python 3.2 and above, shows the source code for the current function or frame

Basic Commands

stepsExecute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion.
nextnContinue execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns
breakbWithout argument, list all breaks. A line number or a function name can be passed as first argument. As second argument can be passed an expression which must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honoured.
returnrContinue execution until the current function returns.

Start debug mode and get help - example

			$ python3 -m pdb
			(Pdb) ?

			Documented commands (type help <topic>):
			EOF    c          d        h         list      q        rv       undisplay
			a      cl         debug    help      ll        quit     s        unt
			alias  clear      disable  ignore    longlist  r        source   until
			args   commands   display  interact  n         restart  step     up
			b      condition  down     j         next      return   tbreak   w
			break  cont       enable   jump      p         retval   u        whatis
			bt     continue   exit     l         pp        run      unalias  where

			Miscellaneous help topics:
			pdb  exec

help for given command - example

			(Pdb) help break
			b(reak) [ ([filename:]lineno | function) [, condition] ]
			        Without argument, list all breaks.

			        With a line number argument, set a break at this line in the
			        current file.  With a function name, set a break at the first
			        executable line of that function.  If a second argument is
			        present, it is a string specifying an expression which must
			        evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored.

			        The line number may be prefixed with a filename and a colon,
			        to specify a breakpoint in another file (probably one that
			        hasn't been loaded yet).  The file is searched for on
			        sys.path; the .py suffix may be omitted.

long list - example

			(Pdb) ll
			  1  ->	def sum_numbers(num_range):
			  2  	  suma = 0
			  3  	  for i in num_range:
			  4  	    suma =+ i
			  5  	    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			  7  	  return suma
			  9  	def main():
			 10  	  print( sum_numbers(range(1,10)) )
			 12  	if __name__ == '__main__':
			 13  	  main()

Set breakpoint on given line number - example

			(Pdb) b 4
			Breakpoint 1 at /tmp/examples/

Continue execution to next breakpoint - example

			(Pdb) c
			> /tmp/examples/
			-> suma =+ i

View current value of a variable:

			(Pdb) p suma
			(Pdb) p suma, i
			(3, 4)

Specify a list of commands for breakpoint - example

			# list breakpoints:
			(Pdb) b
			Num Type         Disp Enb   Where
			1   breakpoint   keep yes   at /tmp/examples/

			#set commands to be executed on breakpoint 1:
			(Pdb) commands 1
			(com) p suma, i
			(com) end

			# continue to breakpoint and look that commands was executed
			(Pdb) c
			(0, 1)


Become a pdb power-user @medium
pdb @python3 docs


Debug Python with VS Code

Debug Python with VS Code


The Python extension supports debugging of a number of types of Python applications, including the following general capabilities
Watch window
Evaluating expressions
Expanding children
Conditional breakpoints
Pausing (breaking into) running programs
Custom startup directory

Start Debugger

You can start VS Code debugger by:
Pressing F5
Navigate to Debug Panel by clicking the icon , and from the top of Debug Panel click on Start Debugging

Debug Configuration

When you start VS Code Debugger for the first time, it will prompt you to select a configuration

Debug Configuration

To debug a simple app you can just select Python Environment from the Debug Prompt:

Debug Configuration

But creating a launch configuration file is beneficial because it allows you to configure and save debugging setup details.
VS Code keeps debugging configuration information in a launch.json file located in a .vscode folder in your workspace (project root folder) or in your user settings or workspace settings.

Debug Configuration

To create a launch.json file, open your project folder in VS Code (File > Open Folder) and then click on the Configure gear icon on the Debug view top bar.

Debug Configuration

The VS Code will generate a common launch.json file for you, which you can easy modify or extend.

Debug Configuration

More info for launch.json
Launch configurations

Debug actions

CommandKeyboard Shortcut
Continue / PauseF5
Step OverF10
Step IntoF11
Step OutShift+F11


Breakpoints can be toggled by clicking on the editor margin
Finer breakpoint control (enable/disable/reapply) can be done in the Debug view's BREAKPOINTS section
Breakpoints in the editor margin are normally shown as red filled circles.
Disabled breakpoints have a filled gray circle.

More "Break" points

Clicking with right mouse button on the editor margin allows to add "Normal Breakpoint", "Conditional Breakpoint", "Log Point"

Data inspection

Variables can be inspected in the VARIABLES section of the Debug view or by hovering over their source in the editor.
Variables and expression evaluation is relative to the selected stack frame in the CALL STACK section.

Data inspection

Variable's context menu

Right clicking on a variable in the VARIABLES sections allows to
Set/Copy Variable Value, Add it to WATCH

Conditional breakpoints

Conditional Breakpoints can be set by
Expression condition - breakpoint will be hit whenever the expression evaluates to true
Hit count - controls how many times a breakpoint needs to be hit before it will 'break' execution.

Remote Debugging

VS Code allows remote debugging
Remote debugging

Remote Debugging Steps

pipenv install ptvsd==3.0.0


These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
