Parallel programming: multithreading and multiprocessing

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Multitasking is implemented in Python by threading and multiprocessing.
A hot topic, in the contest of rapid increase of the number of cores in contemporary microprocessors.


N cores == N physical Central Processing Units(CPU) leaving in one chip.
threads are something virtual. Multithreading performance is increased by logic for splitting tasks between hardware resources.
Hyper-Threading Technology - to make OS to "see" more CPUs than the real physical units are.

Threads vs Processes

Threads vs Processes

Threads vs Processes

A Process has its own individual memory segment, not shareable with other process. Inter process communication techniques are applied in order for process to share data
Threads share same memory.
A Thread lives in a Process. One Process can run multiple Threads.
A python process has at least one thread - for the main programme.

Thread-based parallelism

Thread-based parallelism

Multithreading in Python

threading module is the preferred way in Python for thread-based "parallelism" (a note abou GIL!)
A thread is created by the Thread class constructor.
Once created, the thread could be started my start() method
Other threads can call a thread’s join() method. This blocks the calling thread until the thread whose join() method is called is terminated

Creating Thread objects

			tr_obj = threading.Thread(target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, daemon=None)
target - function to be run in a thread
name is the thread name. By default, a unique name is constructed of the form "Thread-N" where N is a small decimal number
args is the argument tuple for the target invocation
kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target invocation
daemon - if not None, a daemonic thread will be created.
A non-daemon thread blocks the main program to exit if they are not dead. Daemonic thread do not prevent the main program to exit, and will be killed by the main process when exiting.

Creating and running thread - example

			import threading
			import time

			def worker(x):
			  tid = threading.currentThread().name;
			  print("x = {} in {}".format(x, tid))

			# create the tread
			tr = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(42,))

			# start the thread:

			# wait until thread terminates:

			print("Worker did its job!")

A more useful example

You can enjoy the speed of multithreading in Python, if the threaded workers are not CPU intensive.
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GIL - the Global Interpreter Lock

GIL is a mechanism which prevents simultaneous working of multiple thread. So, Python's GIL prevents the "real" parallel multitasking mechanism, and instead implements a cooperative and preemptive multitasking.

The GIL effect - example

In CPU intensive task, multithreading is slower than sequential single-thread processing!
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The problem of shared state - example

Each thread increments the counter with 1. But at the end, counter value is not equal to the number of threads!
It is even different on each execution!

			import threading
			import time

			def worker():
			  global counter

			  tmp = counter
			  counter = tmp + 1

			counter = 0

			# create some treads to count together:
			thread_pool = []
			for i in range(10000):
			  tr = threading.Thread(target=worker)

			# wait for tread to finish:
			for tr in thread_pool:

			print("Workers counted:", counter)

Solution: Lock the critical sections

			import threading
			import time

			def worker():
			  global counter

			  # lock the critical section:
			  tmp = counter
			  counter = tmp + 1

			counter = 0
			# create a lock
			lock = threading.Lock()

			# create some treads to count together:
			thread_pool = []
			for i in range(10000):
			  tr = threading.Thread(target=worker)

			# wait for tread to finish:
			for tr in thread_pool:

			print("Workers counted:", counter)

Process-based parallelism

Process-based parallelism

Multiprocessing in Python

multiprocessing module is the built in module to create process-based parallelism in Python.
A process is created by the Process class constructor.
Once created, the process could be started by start() method
Other processes can call a process’s join() method. This blocks the calling process until the process whose join() method is called is terminated

Creating Process objects

The multiprocessing package mostly replicates the API of the threading module

			pr_obj = multiprocessing.Process(target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, daemon=None)

Programming guidelines for using multiprocessing

There are certain guidelines and idioms which should be adhered to when using multiprocessing: Programming guidelines @python3 docs.
But most important is to make sure that the main module can be safely imported by a new Python interpreter without causing unintended side effects (such as starting a new process)
I.e. always use if __name__ == '__main__': when using processes!

Creating and running process - example

			import multiprocessing as mp
			import time

			def worker(x):
			  pid = mp.current_process().name;
			  print("x = {} in {}".format(x, pid))

			if __name__ == '__main__':
			  # create the process
			  p = mp.Process(target=worker, args=(42,))

			  # start the process:

			  # wait until process completes:

			  print("Worker did its job as separate Process!")

Sharing state between processes (inter-process comunication)

The multiprocessing module defines the Queue class for sharing data between processes (using pipes and locks/semaphores)
Also, it provides the Value and Array classes for Shared memory communication

			class multiprocessing.Queue([maxsize])

No GIL effect on processes

You can use the full power of multiprocessing if your system have multiple cores.
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No need of Lock

As processes do not share state, there is no need for lock:

Data Parallelism

The Pool object in multiprocessing module offers a convenient means of parallelizing the execution of a function across multiple input values, distributing the input data across processes (data parallelism)

			from multiprocessing import Pool
			import time

			def worker(n):
			  # for light work, the pool is not efficient, try with n**10
			  return n**1000

			if __name__ == '__main__':
			  t =time.time()

			  # create the Pool:
			  p = Pool(processes=5)
			  result =, range(100000))

			  print("Pool took: ", time.time() - t)

			  # serial processing:
			  t = time.time()
			  result = []
			  for x in range(100000):
			  # print("Result: ", result)
			  print("Serial processing took: ", time.time() - t)

Processes vs Threads - when to use which

Multiprocessing Pros:
Takes advantage of multiple CPUs and cores
Avoids GIL limitations
Memory leaks in one process would not harm the others
Child processes could be killed
An intuitive and easy to use module APIs (very close to threading)
Very useful with cPython for CPU-bound processing
Separate memory space is harder to manage.
Larger memory footprint

Processes vs Threads - when to use which

Threading Pros:
Lightweight and low memory footprint
Shared memory between threads - easier to manage.
Perfect for responsive UIs, DB Querying, Online Data Retrieval, I/O-bound and other applications where a lot of background work is done
A memory leak in one thread will corrupt all threads




Threading vs Multiprocessing in Python by Pawan Pundir
Grok the GIL: How to write fast and thread-safe Python


Python Multithreading/Multiprocessing - 6 videos on theme by codebasics

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
